Are you one of the 24 million Americans who suffers from a constant runny nose, continuous sneezing, or chronic nasal congestion? If you have any of these issues, your quality of life can suffer as you struggle to breathe through your nose. If nasal decongestants aren’t enough, Dr. Gary Wiesman, your board-certified otolaryngologist, can help you breathe easier with ClariFix® Cryotherapy or the Latera® Absorbable Nasal Implant. These FDA-approved and minimally invasive solutions can offer you lasting relief. Which one is right for you?
What is ClariFix® Cryotherapy?
ClariFix® Cryotherapy uses cooling technology on the nerves to disrupt their ability to make mucous. This modern technology will alleviate the symptoms associated with a runny nose including swelling and congestion. The extremely safe treatment only requires a local anesthetic, so you won’t feel any discomfort during the procedure. There also isn’t any downtime, and you should enjoy an immediate improvement in your symptoms. This in-office procedure has been proven effective for both allergic and non-allergic patients.
What are the Benefits of ClariFix® Cryotherapy?
ClariFix® Cryotherapy can help balance the nerves in the nose and reduce chronic inflammation. In fact, 4 out of 5 patients report a significant improvement in their symptoms and quality of life. Overall, the treatment provides various advantages, such as:
- Minimally invasive
- Outpatient procedure
- Significant reduction in runny nose
- Decrease in nasal congestion
- Proven results that provide long-lasting relief
CLARIFIX – PERFORMED LIVE on the TV show “The Doctors”
What is the Latera® Absorbable Nasal Implant?
If you suffer from a collapsed nasal airway, you may be a candidate for the Latera® Absorbable Nasal Implant. This FDA-approved implant is placed into the lateral wall of the nose. It provides support to the upper and lower lateral cartilage in the nose to promote better breathing. It’s like having a permanent Breathe Right nasal strip on your nose without the annoying skin irritation.
The implant is absorbed by the body over the next 18 to 24 months. Your body will fill in the area with collagen to stabilize the valve to provide permanent relief.
What are the Benefits of the Latera® Absorbable Nasal Implant?
In a matter of a few minutes, you can breathe easier using a minimally invasive solution. Overall, the Latera® Absorbable Nasal Implant provides various benefits, including:
- Outpatient procedure
- Improvement in nasal congestion and stuffiness
- Less trouble breathing through your nose
- Improved ability to get air through the nose during exertion or exercise
- Decreased nasal blockage and obstruction
- Improved sleep quality
- Proven results for permanent relief
LATERA IMPLANT – PERFORMED LIVE on the TV show “The Doctors”
Which is the Right Solution for Me?
If you have trouble breathing caused by nasal airway obstruction or nasal valve collapse, you may be a candidate for ClariFix® Cryotherapy or the Latera® Absorbable Nasal Implant. Dr. Wiesman will perform a thorough examination and discuss your symptoms to determine which treatment is right for you. With the right solution, you can breathe better and enjoy lasting results.
About Dr. Gary G. Wiesman
Dr. Gary G. Wiesman is an otolaryngologist who specializes in ear, nose, and throat surgeries. He embraces the latest procedures and advancements to provide his patients with superior care to restore their quality of life. If you are ready to improve your ability to breathe through your nose, contact our office today to schedule your consultation.