As we practice social distancing to combat the spread of COVID, many people have turned to various forms of telecommunication, like Zoom. Although it allows you to stay safe while conducting business, it has also caused your aesthetic concern to feel like a focal point. No matter if you’re embarrassed by wrinkles, a large nose, or protruding ears, video conferencing can make you feel insecure about your imperfections that you see on the screen. Thankfully, now is the perfect time to invest in your self-esteem because you’re already spending more time at home. Dr. Gary Wiesman, board-certified facial plastic surgeon, can help you look better on Zoom. He can correct your flaws, and you won’t have to miss work while you recover. Depending on your goals, there’s a treatment that’s right for you.
Help Me Look Better on Zoom
December 18, 2020
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